Support Forums
Support Plus Renewal

When purchasing Support Plus Renewal, are new license keys generated and must be updated on the machines the original licenses were activated on? Or do the license keys stay the same?

When purchasing Support Plus Renewal, are new license keys generated and must be updated on the machines the original licenses were activated on? Or do the license keys stay the same?

You will have received a new key with the SupportPlus order acknowledgement. To get the key in the software, you will want to reinstall VTScada (a good time to upgrade to the current version).

While you can update the key.txt file and restart the software, running the installer is recommended.

I should also note that you don't need to install the new key. Your expired key will still allow you to run the software the same as before, and the Support folks will see that you are current in SupportPlus.

You will have received a new key with the SupportPlus order acknowledgement. To get the key in the software, you will want to reinstall VTScada (a good time to upgrade to the current version). While you can update the key.txt file and restart the software, running the installer is recommended. I should also note that you don't need to install the new key. Your expired key will still allow you to run the software the same as before, and the Support folks will see that you are current in SupportPlus.

Trihedral Engineering Ltd.

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