Support Forums
Plot data from different inputs on a single graph

Hello everyone,
I'm playing with VT-Scada, and I encountered a problem I didn't find any solution.
I searched in the documentation but I found no answers.
I wish to plot measured data from different (but consistent) inputs in a single graph, each one with a different colour.
Is it possible to do so? If yes, can anyone tell me how?
Thanks a lot,

Hello everyone, I'm playing with VT-Scada, and I encountered a problem I didn't find any solution. I searched in the documentation but I found no answers. I wish to plot measured data from different (but consistent) inputs in a single graph, each one with a different colour. Is it possible to do so? If yes, can anyone tell me how? Thanks a lot, P

Yes. I assume you have been able to click both to show them in the HDV. Please see the image below for more on saving/recalling trend groups and choosing to stack or overlay plots.

Yes. I assume you have been able to click both to show them in the HDV. Please see the image below for more on saving/recalling trend groups and choosing to stack or overlay plots. ![633442bcdb537](serve/attachment&path=633442bcdb537)

Trihedral Engineering Ltd.

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