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Vitor_Ferrari posted May 10 at 3:06 pm
Tenho um modelo clp CP2E-N40 mas não consigo conectar o VTscada a ele. Alguém pode me ajudar?

jbench posted May 7 at 1:59 pm
I've got a tag numeric value that I need to add a comma before the last digit.

For example, 837 would need to be formatted as 83,7. The value 49837 would be 4,983,7. The value 7 would just be 7. This is how the customer wants to see the values on the screen. I know this will have to be formatted as a string but not sure how to go about it.

The CommaFormat looks to only add a comma per th
recent by Boonz  ·  May 7 at 5:57 pm
Kevin Way posted Apr 30 at 7:02 pm
I can’t seem to find a variable in the JSONXMLDriver Module that allows me to read in the JSON Response so that i can parse and manipulate the data in a .src file.

I can write my own \System.HTTPClient.HTTPSend and get ride of the JSONXMLDriver completly, but i feel like i should not have to do that. I can see the AddressAssistData and the VTSRead has the data in there, but they are pro
recent by Kevin Way  ·  Apr 30 at 7:47 pm
jroc11 posted Apr 25 at 3:06 pm
Im currently building out expressions using the If else statement. I have created a custom widget that uses and ifelse statement to determine which interval value to display on a gauge. I originally created the expression for one area and it works flawlessly, but i needed to copy it over to another area thats the same, but with different tags. When copying it over i get errors no matter what i en
recent by admin  ·  Apr 25 at 5:41 pm
mike_yung posted Apr 24 at 4:25 pm
Can anyone explain what VTScada are attempting to describe here?

I can't grasp how example 2 or the notes following example 2 apply to rising &/or falling edge detection.

recent by Andrew Harvie  ·  Apr 24 at 8:08 pm
Custom trend groups don't seem to get saved with the change sets. Where are they stored?

Our customer has a standalone VTScada app which I need to integrate into a bigger system. I cloned it's changeset so I could apply my OEM layer & other things so it will play nice with others.

It's now running now, with all the others, on the triple redundant servers which serve the thin clien
recent by mike_yung  ·  Apr 24 at 4:22 pm
pieter posted Feb 12 '19 at 4:16 pm
I want to establish a connection with a Siemens Logo! 8 PLC and in VTScada I use the Siemens S7-200 driver, Rack 0 Slot 2, CP Type None, ISO Over TCP.

What are the TSAP values I have to use in the connection setting of the LOGO 8 module (Its a somewhat older model at FS2 level)
and what is the memory mapping I must use to read Flag M1

recent by pieter  ·  Apr 11 at 1:35 pm
kblake posted Apr 9 at 5:46 pm
I have site tags with an custom additional description field. Is it possible to use this field in place of, or in addition to, the description field to populate on the site list?
For example: the attached example shows the site name, and the site description from the ID tab underneath it.
[Site Name]

My site tag has the default description field, and also an added cus
jroc11 posted Mar 27 at 6:13 pm
I currently have an analog tag reading in from kepware and i need to find a solution to grab the time intervals for hour, day, week, month, and year for that specific tag within VTScada. I found the analog statistic tag and this works for the day, week, month, and year by subtracting the max and min values to see the amount used. The issue comes when dealing with the hour interval. When selecting
When I run VTscada afresh, the ports all are fine and data is read. However there are ports whose IPs are going through a VPN network.

When I lose the internet connection and it comes back online later, VTscada only resumes local network IP reading, but not those going through VPN. Yet when I ping those IPs I can reach them.

I can also reach them using other applications such as modbus
cihat posted Mar 7 at 1:33 pm
Hi, I have been wanting to update the data in a table in SQLserver for a long time. I wrote a script by going through the example in the help files, but I could not execute the script in any way, can you share a sample application about it?

TLDR: I want to create an additional historian. And want all the new tags under a parent context tag to point to the new historian.

I have added a setting in the past to change the server list for all child tags, using "DriverServerListName" setting in a parent tag. Does such a setting exist for historians as well?

My problem is that all of my tag types have been defined and have their ch
recent by Michael  ·  Feb 26 at 9:33 pm
EFI posted Feb 26 at 3:14 pm
I am reinstalling VTScada 10.2 for a customer who had a computer crash. I added the old project from a changeset file. I get the following error when trying to run the project:

Is there an easy fix for this?


cardsfan posted Feb 16 at 9:22 pm
Is there a way, within the numeric value widget, to show the thousands separator (as the tag browser does) for an analog i/o tag?

6,512,342 is easier to read than 6512342.

I tried the CommaFormat function within a text expression, but it wouldn't let me hit "Ok" after putting an analog tag as the argument in the function.

recent by cardsfan  ·  Feb 20 at 10:05 pm
Im trying to use VTScada to poll a Single array from an MQTT Broker. Once i get the tag into VTScada, I want to have the ability to break it apart into its individual tags and im wondering if this is possible or if anyone has done something similar yet??

The length of my array will be around 30 Dint Values. and i want to be able to view each value individually in VTscada after polling the sin
recent by Dave - VTScada  ·  Feb 7 at 8:16 pm

I want to make a new page where Sign in Button/Widget placed in the center of the page, apart from at the right top tab given in the VT SCADA as attached image.

It will be also best solution for me if I can move that "Sign in" button to anywhere respectively X/Y coordinates with Height and Width in the new page.

Or else, is there any property or widget or script, through wh
recent by Dave - VTScada  ·  Feb 7 at 6:11 pm
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