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Hi there,

I have recently ventured into trying VTSCADA and I really REALLY like it.

I use scada systems for very simple lab based data aquisition and control. Very seldom more than 15 tags.

My challenge is that I need to aquire a timestamp ONLY when a certain tag value changes. The tag is basically a totaliser (Analog input from MCU). This is very simple to do in the likes of SCADABR
recent by Michael  ·  Apr 27 '18 at 3:58 pm
As described here

Distributed Local Historians – The County was also concerned about the potential loss of data should the connection to remote sites be lost. In response, MPE configured the application to allow for use of VTScada as local HMIs at all remote stations. Once VTScada is deployed as a local HMI, if the station is cut
Hi All, we are looking at a project where we want to host VTScada on a remote AWS web server and have it amalgamate several remote well sites connected to the internet with GSM modems. Has anyone deployed a system like this with VTScada before? We've done similar with other platforms but we're keen to move forward with a VTScada solution for this one. Any tips or info is appreciated!

JustinW posted Mar 14 '18 at 11:20 pm
Is there a way to change the color of the text based on some set-points for data coming from an Analog Status tag? I'm thinking you would use the "Text Change (4 state)" widget, but I can't figure out how to set the values for the different states.

For example, I would like it to always show the tag value, but change from blue when it's below 110.0 to green between 110.0 and 120.0, and red
recent by JustinW  ·  Apr 3 '18 at 12:12 am
Rayancaleb posted Feb 24 '18 at 8:30 am
I'm thinking about changing vehicles, I currently have a Xsara Picasso Gasoline 90 Cv. I want to buy a C4 Picasso Diesel, I think the one that better fits me is the 110 HP, but I have the doubt between the manual change or the CMP, I have heard some comment, about the latter, and I have doubts. Can somebody help me????

I did not find the right solution from the internet.
ewood1972 posted Feb 14 '18 at 4:51 pm
We are installing VTSCADA for the first time in our district and will be setting it up on two Windows 2016 Virtual Servers. Is there any documentation I can give our IT contractor for setting up these servers for running the HMI?

The latest version of Chrome (64.0.3282.137) on Android (7.0.0) doesn't seem to allow you to logout of the VTS Anywhere client (VTS version 11.2.10). We use to be able to tap our name and the menu would pop up and give you the option to Log Off. Is there a work around to get this working again or is this working in the latest version of VTS.

jsanden posted Jan 4 '18 at 9:22 pm
How do you control how often the plot data widget updates? It's fine on the local machine, but the internet clients have a slow connection. The plots show "data retrieval in progress" more often than they show the plot line. I'd like to slow it down specifically on the clients, but would be OK setting it slower on the project if that's the only way.

jsanden posted Jan 12 '18 at 9:24 pm
I have a client that likes the "arc" gauge widget. I can't figure out the decimal formatting on that one. Some tags display a decimal, while others show a whole number.

Some of the gauges let you specify the number of digits to display after the decimal. How can I set that on the arc gauge? Is there an expression to use?

3 posted Nov 16 '17 at 7:49 am
Hi, i'm trying to link an OMRON CJ2M PLC to the PC (server) but not sure which of these drivers are to be use. PC is connected to Omron PLC hardware via USB connection, and working fine with CX-Programmer. Help is appreciated !

1) Omron FINS Driver Tags
2) Omron HOST Link Driver Tags

recent by dougs  ·  Nov 18 '17 at 9:21 pm
brandonf posted Nov 14 '17 at 2:41 pm
I was just wondering, if I have a numeric entry widget to write a SP to a PLC tag and a momentary PB how could I use the PB to change the value in the numeric entry?

What I was going to do is use the numeric entry widget to write an RPM SP to a vfd and use the momentary PB as a stop button for the motor but when I push the stop button I want the numeric entry value to be 0 instead of the las
recent by dougs  ·  Nov 18 '17 at 9:17 pm

I need to integrate Waspmote wireless sensors to an industrial control system.

We have purchased two waspmotes and a meshlium gateway. I have got the data from the waspmotes into the meshlium and can access the database within the meshlium from a MySQL client.

What I need to do is get the data from the meshlium into another piece of software that will run on an industrial HMI. Init
ewood1972 posted Oct 20 '17 at 3:56 pm
I was wondering if there is a list of all the keyboard shortcut keys. Over the years I have found that learning the shortcut keys will save you a lot of time in the long run so I am a big fan. In particular right now I am working in the Idea Studio and in other programs you might use "Ctrl-G" to group the selected objects or "Ctrl-U" to ungroup them. Another might be "Alt-Down Arrow" to evenly s
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