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I have a VT Scada realm configured with 9 applications. When I connect to this realm using the ODBC DSN, I only see the tags configured in the first application of the realm.

Do I need to create a new realm for each application? Can multiple VT Scada realms run on the same machine at the same time without issue?

What would be the best way to approach this kind of configuration? My goal
recent by Andrew Harvie  ·  Feb 20 at 4:24 pm
Im trying to use VTScada to poll a Single array from an MQTT Broker. Once i get the tag into VTScada, I want to have the ability to break it apart into its individual tags and im wondering if this is possible or if anyone has done something similar yet??

The length of my array will be around 30 Dint Values. and i want to be able to view each value individually in VTscada after polling the sin
recent by Dave - VTScada  ·  Feb 7 at 8:16 pm

I want to make a new page where Sign in Button/Widget placed in the center of the page, apart from at the right top tab given in the VT SCADA as attached image.

It will be also best solution for me if I can move that "Sign in" button to anywhere respectively X/Y coordinates with Height and Width in the new page.

Or else, is there any property or widget or script, through wh
recent by Dave - VTScada  ·  Feb 7 at 6:11 pm
How do I create text buttons (inputs) for login access? For example, in VTScada, I created my user with the necessary permissions. In the supervisory, I want to add two input buttons and a confirmation button. These input buttons would be Username and Password. The user will enter their username and then their password. If it is correct, go to the plant Synopsis page. How do I do that? I'm
prafull posted Feb 21 '23 at 4:10 pm

I am trying to test the REST Queries .

I have set the application property "RESTAllowedOrigins" to null as given in your example HTML page.

I get TypeError failed to Fetch at the bottom of the page (in Red colour)

Anyone has experience with this REST API Queries?

Any more tips, examples etc?

It's quite frustrating when it doesn't work and we don't get the results as pe
recent by mahin101  ·  Jan 31 at 9:49 am
Anbarasu.A posted Jan 18 at 11:17 am
Hi All,

I want to write three status from two different tag values.

"1" Means "Open"
"2" Means "Close"
"3" Means "Travel"

How to write the tag expression referencing another two tag value in VT SCADA.

if [Sludge Dewatering\ZIO_6333A]==1 then "1"
else if [Sludge Dewatering\ZIC_6333A]==1 then "2"
ELSE "3"

What I am doing:

SubStr( [Prod_End], 0, 4), {2024}
SubStr( [Prod_End], 5, 1), {1}
SubStr( [Prod_End], 7, 2), {20}
This will output 2024120 to a analog calc tag, that i will use in reporting. (I need analog type because other tags are also analog; but thats not the point)
You can see the picture that the formatting is not foolproof. This calculation will
I'm currently working through developing some new windows for a client. I'm new to VT Scada and have spent the bulk of my career in Ignition. I was given a changeset file to reference what they currently have or at least within the last 6 months. I started a new application to develop just the new pages and tags that I will import into the client's system.

Traditionally I have always develop
Has anyone connected VTScada MQTT client driver to AWS IoT Core MQTT broker successfully? I have a device publishing to a AWS and I can see the data coming in on the topic.

I added the TCP/IP port for the AWS broker. Really unclear as to what Name/Address to use, as well as the port and if I need to use TLS. I am thinking I do since the device I am using I had to copy the TLS Security certif
recent by drummin89  ·  Jan 12 at 2:10 pm
TLDR: What is the proper way to ‘wait’ for HTTPSend function to finish its entire api call? The function's url parameter changes from a droplist widget.

I have been testing different ways to run the httpsend function. In the script block of ‘main’ module, in a called module, and as a launched module.
Goal is to change the api link according to user prefer
recent by Kevin Way  ·  Jan 12 at 3:29 am
hilldc posted Jan 11 at 8:52 pm
Currently have two port tags setup for a lift station ... one for cell ... and one for radio. I would like to be able to switch between the two with a selector switch on a page. Possible or not? Better way? Thanks

recent by Kevin Way  ·  Jan 12 at 3:00 am
I need to come up with valid expression for two lines of text with a carriage return & line feed separating them. I've done this before but I can't remember where or how. This shouldn't be impossible to find in the help. I know it's in there somewhere but nothing I search for turns up anything useful.

By the way, I am aware of VTScada's multi line text widget. That widget doesn't let
recent by Dave - VTScada  ·  Jan 3 at 2:22 pm
Hello, I'm trying to figure out the process for retaining historical trend data during a hardware upgrade, where I am also upgrading the VTS version.

I've found information stating to copy the directory over from the old PC to the new PC, but it seems like I may need to install the same version of VTS on the new machine, then upgrade to the newer version, and I would like to be able to do so
recent by Dave - VTScada  ·  Jan 3 at 1:41 pm
I am trying to create a TAG context for a group of Modbus tags.
my data type is IEEE Double Precision Floating Point (8 bytes), and I need to write an expression for the TAG address so that the address will change by the meter number;
Meter #1:
TAG1 address: 31001/Double
TAG2 address: 31005/Double
TAG3 address: 31009/Double
Meter #2:
TAG1 address: 31021
recent by Dave - VTScada  ·  Jan 3 at 1:34 pm
jroc11 posted Dec 15 '23 at 1:52 pm
So I've had a pulse rate tag that's been pulsing and working fine for the past few weeks with zero issues. Now all of the sudden its reading as a zero for the pulse rate. This number will fluctuate from outputting a zero to outputting the correct number at its own will. Has anyone seen this before? I feel like this could be a possible bug on VTScada's end?

hilldc posted Dec 11 '23 at 1:32 pm
Fairly new to VTScada and I need help setting up certain tag to pull from a weather station (Columbia 420) we have.

The station keeps a running total up to 10 inches before rolling back to 0 inches. I would like to display rainfall today but the reset back to 0 has me stumped as to how to setup that tag to account for the rollover which could happen in the middle of the day.

Thanks in ad
recent by cardsfan  ·  Dec 13 '23 at 1:02 pm
jroc11 posted Dec 5 '23 at 4:22 pm
Im currently trying to find out a way that i can make a digital tag that goes from on to off and off to on every 15 minutes or so. Is there any suggestions on what the best way to do this is. I will be pairing this tag with another one in an expression to trigger a multi write tag every 15 minutes while the day is between certain times. Any suggestions help! Thanks

So i have an analog calculation tag that is logging data based upon the whole day. i need to to grab two values from this day, these values are from 6am- 2pm and 5:15pm-2am. What is the best way to do this? i have tried using totalizers, logging tags, triggers, history stats, but no luck. I have two digital tags setup for each shifts. They output on or off depending on if the current time is in-b
recent by jroc11  ·  Nov 30 '23 at 4:42 pm
khicks posted Sep 15 '23 at 4:43 pm
I'd like to use a tag to create an Upper Control Limit (UCL) and a Lower Control Limit (LCL). This involves calculating the mean and standard deviation for a period of time. The formulas would be:

UCL = mean + (3 x (Standard Deviation))
LCL = mean - (3 x (Standard Deviation))

What would be the best approach to do this? I was looking at doing an I/O Calc tag, but the avg() and SDev()
recent by Vic  ·  Nov 28 '23 at 5:02 pm

I wrote a calculation(analog) tag to show datetime and that value will export to excel but excel is cutting the last 3 digits.

I used the following expression, and it gives the value 202310282319 which i need to process in excel but that's fine.

CONCAT(Date(Today(), "yyyyMMdd"), "", Time(Now(1), "HHmm"))

Giving hyphens between dates don't work for analog tags.
I cannot change
recent by Vic  ·  Nov 28 '23 at 4:39 pm
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