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crd posted Nov 15 '22 at 3:09 pm
The notification email is attaching the wrong user when sending the message.


Original forum entry (user crd):

crd posted 1 day ago at 10:05 pm
I would like to change the alarm code to the beginning of the message, as to allow the user to 'Like' the alarm message and acknowledge it.

This currently works if we remove all of the text except the date, but that introduces the pro
lucy posted Nov 8 '22 at 2:02 am
What are the Remote Data access ? Which licenses need to be purchased? Remote access licenses will be enabled

What is the Remote configuration & Remote Idea Studio? Which functions are specifically included

Thank you and look forward to your reply

Hello, experts.
In the project, there is a requirement to separate users. That is, different users will enter a different first page when logging in. It is intended to create some isolation between users. That is, user 1 will enter a general map with the option of switching between the stations, and user 2 will only enter a central screen without the possibility of switching. Is this possible?
recent by tmills10  ·  Nov 13 '22 at 5:15 am
cardsfan posted Oct 23 '22 at 4:20 am
The “find and replace” button that pops up on the right sidebar in idea studio…

Is there a way to get it to work for regular widgets, groups, or tags that appear in expressions? It seems to only work for tag widgets.

It’s a huge time suck copying and pasting a widget (not tag widget), then replacing each tag manually.

recent by cardsfan  ·  Oct 28 '22 at 7:35 pm
Jason posted Oct 20 '22 at 8:28 pm
I have been tasked to make a standard VTScada template. This will get used in different applications. How it is supposed to function is that it will list all the shutdown conditions and it will display which ones are in fault (easy part). Then when you click on each shutdown it will take you to the faceplate of the device it is connected too. The problem I run into is when trying to have it all p
recent by Jason  ·  Oct 28 '22 at 7:15 pm
Dear All,
I'm very new to VT SCADA and after all the tutorial I watched, I couldn't find the answer (or maybe I missed it) to a problem I'm facing.
I want to configure a push button to start/stop a piece of equipment, and I was wondering if I could read the state of that equipment and send the opposite value through the button.
I saw that it is possible to write a static value in the "Va
I am trying to Generate report and export tag values to my local mysql database.

I have provided ODBC Data Source name same as in the System DSN I have made in odbc data source manager in windows as you can see in this screenshot.
Why am I getting this error despite ‘vtscadaodbc’ being a valid mysql connection ?
Is there a different syntax or any more step t
bbaer22 posted Oct 11 '22 at 9:01 pm
I would like to use a Text Change 2 state, and when it's in the 0 position or non energized state I want it to show one word in a certain color and in the 1 position I want a different word and color. It doesn't look like it would be tough, but I can't get it to accept a tag. I tried a bunch of different kinds of tags and it's just not accepting any of them. I would like to use a tag for this sin
recent by bbaer22  ·  Oct 14 '22 at 5:48 pm
I have been using Vtscada for some time now on a PC windows 10.

I keep getting password login error...

I setup the port to 83 to make sure I am not clashing with anything..

I am trying to use the MS EDGE browser to access the Vtscada app locally...

When I run the app soilsensor, I enter the username password which I tried many f
Hello everyone,
I'm playing with VT-Scada, and I encountered a problem I didn't find any solution.
I searched in the documentation but I found no answers.
I wish to plot measured data from different (but consistent) inputs in a single graph, each one with a different colour.
Is it possible to do so? If yes, can anyone tell me how?
Thanks a lot,

First I installed 90 day demo version in my laptop. I developed the project in that demo version. I purchased the Developemnt License key.

So, I deactivated the demo version. Now I am trying to activate it again using the licensed key(25 Chaaracter). But it is only giving option to enter 16 digit key.

Suggest how to activate it + I also want to use my existing changeset file developed on

I have some string data internal to my Siemens S7 PLC that I want to display. When I use the string tag type all I get is the number value of the data block.

Is there a way to easily display as ASCII?
Also how to display the whole string, my string data is assigned 6 bytes in my PLC, but the maximum VTSCADA allows is 4 bytes, one double word?

For example my string is located
ScottEdlin posted Sep 13 '22 at 9:43 am
Hi All,

New to VTScada and evaluating the light version for our manufacturing plant.

I want to display different text (strings) based upon a tag value from our siemens plc, I am getting different values through but can't work out to conditionally call different texts based upon this value.

So for example if tag Part number == 1, display SK90
if Part number == 2, display SK110.

jjanowiak posted Sep 6 '22 at 10:37 pm

I have a SCADA system that is not connected to the Internet, like most every SCADA system I work on. I have copied the Slippy Map Tiles for my area to my SCADA server. However, my map icons do not appear on the Map. No matter how far I zoom in or out.

How do I get my Map Icons to appear if I don't have an Internet connection?

Tames posted Jul 20 '22 at 6:47 pm

I have taken over a job and the previous creators used:


to pull in the colors form the style settings without pulling in the alarm color override. I have copied and pasted their code (from a working widget) and pasted it into my own but it does not work.

The code is:

\Root\Value == 0 ? SState0Color : ( \Roo
jjanowiak posted Jul 12 '22 at 1:05 am
Can someone tell me where to find the "Web Browser Widget"? The help says it is located in the "Tools\Web Browser Tools" folder but that folder does not exist in my version of VTScada. Is this an add on that needs to be imported or something?

mike_yung posted Jul 20 '22 at 4:30 pm
This section of the help (linked to) tries to refer me to Microsoft for details on how to get a signed SLL certificate but the url which used to give that information now tries to upgrade me to Windows 11.

Please reply with the instructions for processing a reply to an SLL signing request & arrange for this to be added to your online help. Thank you.
We're currently sending our customer's VTScada e-mail alarms through a dreamhost mailserver but need to switch that to our customer's Microsoft365 mailserver with OAuth 2.0.

Their ISP has given us all the credentials we need. All that's missing is our redirect URI & certificate.

Is there anyone here who can baby step us through those steps? I've been reading & re-reading the V
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