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ftuquabo posted Jun 14 '22 at 7:40 pm
Started creating tags that will be connecting to a Siemens PLC and I am getting an error about Tag Address I'm using. Can someone tell me what;s wrong with this PLC tag's address format?

Could there be an issue in the Siemen's tag driver settings?

VTScada stored all history data in its default Historian.
I have used that default historian only in my application and I have logged some values with the default Historian.

How Can I read this store's historian tag values in MS SQL Server?

I have installed the VTScada ODBC Driver and also add SQL Server Driver in User DSN on ODBC Administrator.

This SQL Server Driver I have conf
recent by Ketul  ·  Jun 10 '22 at 4:49 am
Does VTScada's built in e-mail client meet the security requirements Google describe

here --->
and here --->

Many of our customers are using gmail to send alarm notifications. We've upgraded some of them to VTScada and are not sure what will happen when google
recent by mike_yung  ·  Jun 8 '22 at 8:49 pm
abec34 posted May 26 '22 at 11:46 pm
I am receiving a value of 273 from the BACnet driver but within Wireshark capture I am getting no errors and can see the correct Value being returned.

Any idea why VTScada is giving out an error code of 273? The tag I created has no value which I am assuming since the driver is getting a value of 273 and not 0?

Here is what VTScada is showing:

but here is the proper value comin
recent by abec34  ·  Jun 6 '22 at 11:26 pm
Hi all,

This whole OT/ICS world is pretty new to me but I am trying to pick it up and work my way through it, but just looking for a bit of help with something.

I am trying to set up a virtual lab to demo how easy it can be for a hacker to change values and mess with OT equipment if the network is not correctly secure. Originally this was just with getting remote access to a private comp
Tames posted May 25 '22 at 9:38 pm
I have noticed that if I am using a text box that I am unable to type ".00" to the end of a number, really any length of that .0, .000, etc. If I type it in the program automatically removes it.

It is a small thing but it creates uniform numbers when I have to list of a few of them and the rest have single or double decimal places.

If there is a way to turn that function off?

recent by Tames  ·  May 26 '22 at 4:22 pm
Ketul posted May 25 '22 at 5:29 am
I have secured my thin client link with the SSL X.509 certificate.
(I have made a new CSR request with my host+DNS name. I have validated the request from my CA & they send me the key and certificate. That I have to do Process Reply in SCADA and it successfully proceeded. I have added the SSLCertName property in my APPRoot file and restarted the application and ticked the SSL (443 port) op
jjanowiak posted May 20 '22 at 11:09 pm
I want to create a custom Site Map Icon.
I would like to click the site icon on a map and have it take me to the related display for that site.

Here is what I have.

I have a Context tag. On the Display tab I entered the Lat and Longitude.
I entered the page name in "Custom Details Page".
When I click the Icon on the Site Map display, it opens my display as a pop up. I want it to
Ketul posted May 23 '22 at 12:33 pm
How can I import one machine history data to another machine. I want to copy all historical data of trends & reports onto another machine.
I have copied the Data folder of my application to my another application and replace the folder but I'm not getting Historial data inti it.
Is there any extra steps needs to perform here?

abec34 posted May 10 '22 at 10:19 pm

I am having a really difficult time getting the BACnet Driver to make a connection to an MGate 5217 from MOXA which is a BACnet to Modbus gateway. I am very new to VTScada light but I was able to get the Modbus driver on VTScada to work so I know I am close.

With the BACnet driver. I am not sure if the IP address of the UDP port should be the loopback IP address of ( or i
recent by abec34  ·  May 24 '22 at 4:43 am
Armsp0 posted May 14 '22 at 11:54 pm
Using the tag scaling function does not allow for the 4mA offset of my 4-20mA loop field devices. I'm guessing that this needs to be allowed for by performing a calculation. I check the calculation box in the tag properties window, this causes the IO and scaling tabs to disappear and a calculations tab is substituted. There seems to be little guidance for using this feature. Perhaps I am on the w

I have an odd problem currently where I am trying to link a text to the output value of a multi-write tag. In the text properties I am setting it to 'linked tag properties' and then finding the appropriate tag and then selecting "OutputValue1" (I am assuming this would be the result of the value field in the 1st row of the output tags.)

The problem is that after I select this the
recent by Tames  ·  May 12 '22 at 4:07 pm
Hi ,

The contexte: I got a station (on site) and a control station (not on site). I want to know if is possible to revoke the control for the station to let the entire control to the control station. It will allowed the control station to change the I/o statues and do what they need to do and don`t let the station (on site) change the I/O statues.

Thanks for any help

Tames posted Apr 25 '22 at 10:33 pm
I have a site that has two RDP connections, currently both are being run as a 'service' type so I can access them via the webpage (anywhere client) and view the interface pages. The only issue is that I need to edit the graphics for these sites.

As far as I can find in the help documents one of these RDP's needs to be running as an application in order to access the graphics Idea Studio.
recent by Tames  ·  Apr 28 '22 at 10:26 pm
flagshang posted Apr 24 '22 at 2:05 am
in the SQLQuery help page, there is a section "The current values of a tag may be retrieved using a table name with the format "TagName_Current". This table will have one row whose columns are Timestamp (the current time) and the current values of each logged value in the tag.".

How do I use the "TagName_Current"? Can you give me an example? Thanks.

recent by flagshang  ·  Apr 28 '22 at 5:52 am
Tames posted Apr 21 '22 at 6:20 pm
Inside the studio there are the default shapes in the shape tab. When using these shapes I noticed that the only shapes with the options for Fill Pattern, Fill Pattern Color, Outline Line Width, and Outline Line Style (see image below) are only available on the Rounded Rectangle (the default 4 corner, and the default 2 corner) is there a way to get these options on the other shapes? It would be n
recent by Tames  ·  Apr 22 '22 at 8:33 pm
I have a site Operator that primarily used the VTScada Anywhere web login to view a site. When viewing the site the pages are too large for the window. Right now they have to hit Ctrl- to zoom out to 90% in order to see the while page.

I logged onto the application server and changed the settings in the Display tab
Resizable window --> Enable
Constrain aspect ratio --> En
recent by Tames  ·  Apr 22 '22 at 6:25 pm
Please give advice on setting up the SQLDataQueryDriver. Table to store your data. MSAccess, The driver is configured in ODBS. When connected, it gives status 102. VT SCADA Light!
I also ask you to explain how the result of the SQL! is addressed (explain using my example of the SQL query)


Tames posted Apr 13 '22 at 5:44 pm
I am dealing with a few sites that are split between ClearScada and VTScada. The goal is to have all of the sites in VTScada and I would like to know if there is a possible process in place to migrate the files and tags from ClearScada into VTScada? Or if there is another process (besides manually making new applications in VTScada for the old ClearScada sites).


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