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Single Application on 3 different Servers that are connected via radio link.

Call them ServerA, ServerB, ServerC

3 PLCs (actually more but this is good enough) each PLC is located in proximity to its similar server

Call them PLCA, PLCB, PLCC

Default configuration is ServerA - if primary does polling to PLCA, PLCB, PLCC. If ServerA goes down ServerB takes over all communication a
recent by Ralphf  ·  Oct 12 '18 at 9:02 pm
jlpletcher posted Sep 25 '18 at 7:48 pm
We have an application in which the customer wishes to rearm priority 1 alarms if they stay in the alarm state for an extended period. He also would like the rearmed alarm to re-send a notification upon rearming. I have not seen anything in the manual about this being possible, but all attempts of trying it did not work. The alarm would in fact rearm, but no new notifications were sent. I had
recent by dougs  ·  Sep 27 '18 at 3:35 pm
We are trying to establish a connection from our clients on a local network to the primary application server. Firewalls have been disabled and I am using a LAN network for testing. Upon trying to use the access anywhere URL for our application the browser shows a window that states "establishing connection" and will not progress past this point. Any suggestions on what may be causing this is gre
recent by dougs  ·  Sep 17 '18 at 8:51 pm
Mel Nevergold posted Sep 14 '18 at 2:19 pm
Need a report to list alarms active in time frame that I can use with a report tag to email to bean counters.

Due to impending weather at multiple locations.

I've been trying to alter the QuarterHour,src example but the help file doesn't say where to save it so I get a file not found error importing it.

recent by dougs  ·  Sep 14 '18 at 4:53 pm
ellifino posted Jul 6 '18 at 6:29 pm
I have a small OEM style PLC with Modbus TCP support. VTSCADA easily reads data from the the controller. When "Enable Output" is checked however, there is no change in the PLC data table when "manual data" is entered.

A third party Modbus Simulator has no problem writing the data to the PLC.

VTS presents NO ERRORS on the Modbus Status.

The PLC Support folks say to use
chayes0168 posted Jun 28 '18 at 3:56 am

I have 1 questions.
When i push switch button program send logic 1 to device but when I don't push switch button program still send logic 1.
I want to know how i can do for when i don't push switch button program send logic 0.

pbeler1 posted Jun 18 '18 at 7:55 pm
I'd like to set up a Modbus Compatible Device driver to act as a virtual PLC. I then want a separate machine to poll this virtual PLC via Modbus TCP to read the values in the Virtual PLC registers.

Is this possible - and if so, how do I set this up? I have tried creating a virtual PLC and put an analog tag with a value in there, but I cannot get a Modbus Client device to successfully connect
recent by pbeler1  ·  Jun 25 '18 at 5:11 pm
For Testing Purposes, I would like to Enable or Disable an Automatic SilenceSound() Function so that I hear 5 seconds of the Alarm Alert sounds and then they are Silenced without Operator intervention. I don't want to Acknowledge or take any other Actions.

Any suggestions are much appreciated!

Thanks, Paul H. Bott, P.E.

Hello guys,

I try to connect VTScada with my AB Micrologix 1000 PLC. It still uses serial port RS232 (I connect with USB converter-COM3).

I have tried Allen Bardley DF1 Driver. But it doesn't work. My PLC type is not available at PLC type list. But I hope they still can be connected.

Could you guys help me please.

recent by dougs  ·  Jun 20 '18 at 4:12 pm
Marc-Olivier posted May 28 '18 at 7:37 pm

My VTScada application uses a 3rd-Party database (MySQL). I'm trying to retrieve a tablename using this query:

SELECT tablename FROM friendlyTagNameLookup WHERE friendlyName = 'MyTag';
Unfortunately, this query returns null. Upon looking directly in the database, I can see that the table 'friendlytagnamelookup' is incomplete. Some tags are present and others are missing. I tried addin
Ralphf posted May 8 '18 at 6:56 pm
With Analog Status you have High and Low alarm setpoints built in so you don't have additional setpoint tags go against your tag count. How do you then refrence these setpoints inside the digital status tag to a numeric entry so that users can changes these without having to go into tag browser?

Is this the design that for adjustable setpoints in HMI it requires tags (that go against the cou
andrey20 posted May 5 '18 at 8:13 am

Currently we are on the way to deploy APQP process with our supplier for my company automotive project. There are something as below:

I'm reviewing a supplier timeline and have a concern as below:
as you know, in PTO we need to get samples from supplier to proceed it.
Sample should satisfy DIM,Function & Material, the problem is i don't know how to define those samples i
Hi there,

I have recently ventured into trying VTSCADA and I really REALLY like it.

I use scada systems for very simple lab based data aquisition and control. Very seldom more than 15 tags.

My challenge is that I need to aquire a timestamp ONLY when a certain tag value changes. The tag is basically a totaliser (Analog input from MCU). This is very simple to do in the likes of SCADABR
recent by Michael  ·  Apr 27 '18 at 3:58 pm
chris135 posted Apr 16 '18 at 3:21 pm
Is there a way to configure a context tag for Rockwell add-on instructions or user defined data types? For example I would like to create a TankType structure with a property named identifier. For tank TK01 I assign the identifier to TK01 and I want all child tags to follow the TK01.TagName structure. I can't figure out the syntax for the tag I/O address expression.

As described here

Distributed Local Historians – The County was also concerned about the potential loss of data should the connection to remote sites be lost. In response, MPE configured the application to allow for use of VTScada as local HMIs at all remote stations. Once VTScada is deployed as a local HMI, if the station is cut
Marc-Olivier posted Apr 12 '18 at 5:09 pm

I'm trying to use a C# based dll with my VTScada application. To do so, I'm using The function DLL.

It's working well with integers, floats and strings, but I have to do some gymnastics to get a bool (I use an integer return type and apply a modulo 2 to the variable to get a 0 or a 1), and I flat out can't get any types of object. I'm trying to use a pointer as a return type but I al
adamlevine posted Apr 16 '18 at 10:26 am
Custom Colors

Hi. Here is my MWe:

documentclass [12pt, Dvipsnames] {Amsart}
usepackage{latexsym, AMSSYMB}
usepackage{xcolor, COLORTBL}

{color{orange} $ varphi (x) $}, {color{RedOrange} $ varphi (x) $}, {color{red} $ varphi (x) $}.

Now, I'd like to darken the second orange, but I can't

To create my own custom color. So, I searched for a
Hi All, we are looking at a project where we want to host VTScada on a remote AWS web server and have it amalgamate several remote well sites connected to the internet with GSM modems. Has anyone deployed a system like this with VTScada before? We've done similar with other platforms but we're keen to move forward with a VTScada solution for this one. Any tips or info is appreciated!

jmcfarlane posted Apr 10 '18 at 4:06 pm
I am test driving the lite version. I am struggling to find clear "go here do this" document to connect this to a server SQL database. As anyone done this with lite?

Good morning,

I am currently working on a VTScada Light License with the goal of being an historian and data collector for a wastewater treatment pilot unit. I have come across the following issues when it comes to exporting/reporting:

What I can do with the HDV:

Export data for a specified unit time frame (ex: 2 days, 1 week)
Export "Time Per Record" to record every X minutes/seconds
jmcfarlane posted Apr 3 '18 at 10:53 pm
I have the latest Light software. Up and running connected to a Compact Logix running V20 flawlessly. But with my V.28 Control Logix, it will connect long enough to show the connection in the AB Demo driver then disconnects. what can I try?

Andreas posted Apr 5 '18 at 9:01 pm
I am quite new to this scada but i like it.
I have a customer that wants to use a ABB AC500 (modbus TCP) for waste water application. He wants to store the last 7 days of overflow water from the station and to read this data if it is missing in the historical data in VTScada.(if there has been a communication error)

My programing data is as follows.
At midnight all data moves one
recent by Michael  ·  Apr 6 '18 at 8:45 pm
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