posted Aug 7 '17 at 6:48 pm
Is there any way to have the Numeric Entry Text box clear the contents of the entry box when the operator places the cursor in the box?
Currently, where ever the cursor is placed within the entry box that is where the cursor lands, so before the decimal ... after the decimal ... and with some operators at the helm they are not recognizing where the cursor lands and they just start typing the
I was wondering how the multi color widget works with a single digital input. For some reason I can't figure out how it works. I seen in the programmers guide on how to do it with an analog input and triggers but I couldn't find it used with a digital input.
Basically I was just going to take one digital input tag from my Allen bradley plc and use the multi color widget to display when it i
I am new to VTScada, and I want to monitor our networked PCs at home.
I used workstation tags but the only one that is working is the local PC where VTScada is currently installed (I have it in 2 laptops but it doesnt work, although I can see them in the dropdown menu when I first configured the workstation tag.
Am I missing some steps? For example, do I need to create a parent comms tag
Intel Core i7-6700, 16GB 2133MHz DDR4 RAM, 256G SSD, Windows 10 Pro
16 custom pages
1000 tags
5 reports
Assume we will be using alarm dialing outbound with voice.
posted Jul 16 '17 at 11:03 am
Hello, I am trying to connect mysql database to VTScada application.
First of all, is it possible to save to database values from plc through VTScada?
I want to save temperatures through time.
If yes, I haven't manage it yet. I have created a Realm and added my current application to the realm.
I created a VTS ODBC connection at System DSN. I test the connection and obviously it retu
posted Jul 2 '17 at 11:56 am
Hello, I use VTScada Free and try to communicate with Micro 820 through CIP protocol.
I downloaded your sample, and can see that it connects to plc.
But I can't figure out how can I pass my tags.
CCW understands tags as variables. I must give a variable name and then use it.
VTScada asks for address.
I tried to pass the names I have given to variables but, no luck.
Thank you
posted Jun 28 '17 at 9:26 pm
I am trying to communicate with an SNMP-enabled Ethernet switch. I added a Driver which is connected to a UDP Port, which requires a local and remote port #. Should it be 161 for both? I have imported the MIB file and created a tag, but the driver is not communicating.
This is one of those distinctions that is easy for us to take for granted because we work with VTScada every day. It came up a few times at the ACE 2017 conference in Philadelphia.
VTScada Thick Client Licenses are each installed on individual Windows computers. Every VTScada application needs at least one installed Thick Client license. A separate license is required for each PC that has VTS
This question recently came to the Contact Us form on our website and we realized that we were not doing enough to explain this unique and important feature.
So Dave Spencer created this video to explain VTScada ChangeSet files. ChangeSets are the preferred distribution and update method when the development computer and customer computer are not on the same network.
This is also a great
I upgraded a small test system from VTScada Lite 11.2.25 to 11.2.29 and noticed the Anywhere client no longer functions. However the VIC and MIC all still function properly.
This test system is installed on Windows 10 x64 and has all applicable windows updates installed. I uninstalled 11.2.29 and re-installed 11.2.25 and the Anywhere client functions as it should.
Where can I found a consolidated list of error codes and better descriptions than what is in the help files? Especially for driver errors!
Each new version of VTScada introduces new tools and sometimes changes how older features work. Your VTScada license entitles you to upgrades for a period of time after purchase. (Maintaining a Support Plus contract provides unlimited upgrades.) You can find the end date of your paid upgrade period in the About dialog, accessible from the VTScada Application Manager.
Please review
This is a recent question to our support team:
I received a pop-up warning when trying to start VTScada. When I click OK, it starts the VTScada Application Manager (VAM). This is the warning. "The performance counter registry hive is corrupted. Some WorkstationStatus functions may not work. Click OK for next warning or Cancel to clear all warnings." Is there anything I need to worry about goin
posted May 31 '17 at 6:17 pm
Sync'ing the clock on a PLC with the VTSCada computer time comes up fairly often. Depending on the requirements of the PLC, there are a number of ways to do this. The easiest way for all of them require using a trigger tag in the VTScada application that will trigger at a known time. For now, call this TriggerTimeSync and set an On schedule for 01:01 am and off 2 seconds later with no off schedul
Hi all,
I am working on my first VTScada application. I am trying to set up the internet client and I am not using an SSL certificate. I have already created a realm. I am trying to set up the server now. I cannot get my 'server list' to stay populated. I click 'add' and I have tried adding the IP address of the computer that will be running VTS and that same computer's name. They will add t
posted May 17 '17 at 1:01 pm
This one came in by email but I thought it was worth adding -
I have a couple of different machines running the same application that need to start up with different pages. Is there a way to do this?
Tank cut-away images are designed to work with the Color Fill widget. Place a cut-away on a tank and then set the color of that cut-away to something that will be unique on the page. Orange is a great choice. Now, place a Color Fill widget on top of the cut-away and set its Changed Color to match the color of the cut-away.
The Color Fill will be visible only where it overlaps the matching co
Answer - Yes!
Answer - Alarm notes can be found on the Alarm Page in the right-most column, it will contain an icon if the alarm contains a note. Simply click the icon to view the note. You will also see the note on the Operator Notes page. More on notes:
Answer - All application configuration, such as settings, tag configuration, pages and user accounts, are synchronized amongst all workstations that are running the application.
Answer - File types supported: .png, .jpg, .bmp, .wmf.
More on the Idea Studio:
Answer - A small portion of application settings require the app to be restarted when they are changed, though most do not. Compiling some types of custom code will require an app restart as well, though this does not apply to pages, graphics and tag types.
Answer - All configuration changes get synced to all workstations. These changes can be automatically deployed as soon as they are made, or it can be setup to require manual deployment.
Typically, the faceplate will need the number of tags associated directly with IO. Tags such as alarms, loggers, calculations, etc., are not part of the licensing tag count.
Answer - Yes, you will need one license per server. This can be a Runtime license or a Development Runtime license.
Note that free VTScadaLIGHT licenses can be redundant servers to one another but NOT to standard paid VTScada licenses.
More on VTScada redundancy can be found here:
Answer - Our input tags are capable of reading arrays of history from a PLC, so long as the driver supports it.
Answer - Yes. Pages can be parameterized so that their graphics can dynamically display values from different tags.
Answer - There are several ways to export data from the VTScada Historical Database.
From the Historical Data Viewer (HDV) you can export the visible values using the Export Wizard Button at the top of the HDV. See help:
You can use the standard reports page to easily export data for specific tags and timef
Answer - Typically, all modifications to drivers are made directly by Trihedral personnel to ensure compatibility with future software releases. In exceptional circumstance, you should contact us directly.
Answer - VTScadaLIGHT can be installed as either 32 or 64 bit.